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Can I Take it to Heaven?
Sandee Macgregor's newest book Can I Take It To Heaven? provides a delightful resource to discuss the topic of heaven with a child. The tender back and forth between Lucy and her Grandma provides an opportunity for much-needed discussion with our children about heaven. Beautifully Illustrated. Ages 5 to 9
Pop-Pop’s Nursery Rhyme Parade
Pop-Pop’s Nursery Rhyme Parade is a collection of imaginative and joyful poetry rhymes for children, with vibrant hand-drawn illustrations complemented by endearing storytelling. Authored and illustrated by Tim Huff, author of 11 books. Ages 5 to 9.
Sprinkles and the Rainbow- God’s Promise
Dr Mitch Siegal’s first children’s book, Sprinkles and the Rainbow- God’s Promise, is a delightfully sweet story of a puffy white cloud looking to make new friends by changing shapes to look just like the characters he comes in contact with. Perfect for young children learning the lesson and core values of God, acceptance and the importance of what's inside that matters the most. Ages 5 to 9
Just Act- We are the Solution to Poverty
Just Act- We are the Solution to Poverty is not just another self-help and instruction book. Author Angela Peters, leader in this field, offers an inspirational guide for people, businesses, and community organizations who are concerned about poverty but feel hopeless about their ability to make any meaningful difference. The book answers their questions about poverty, provides inspirational true stories, informs about effective initiatives, and addresses barriers to success.
University of Lost Causes
University of Lost Causes is a character driven novel set in a fictitious New England university at an unspecified time after Covid. St Jude’s (the patron saint of lost causes) University is determined to become the most woke ivory tower in the world. Thank God things don’t always
turn out as planned.
All Enemies foreign and domestic
Injured and on the edge of starvation, a retired Special Forces soldier, falsely accused of murder, must use all his knowledge and military training skill to survive winter in the harsh Montana wilderness as he is relentlessly pursued by an unknown enemy desperate to destroy him. A shocking revelation about unchecked greed, power and corruption in higher places against the resilience of the human spirit renewed by faith in God, Family and Country.
Mully children's transformations
Journey to Kenya to meet seven incredible children who represent many thousands who have been rescued by Mully Children’s Family orphanage over the decades. Different backgrounds and different stories, yet each child has the same hope - wanting a better life.
Discover how Charles Mulli rescues these children and many others from impossible, squalid situations, becomes their father, and loves them unconditionally as he watches
them transformed into amazing adults who surpass even their own wildest hopes and imaginations.
Love Personified
When asked, “Which is the greatest commandment?” Jesus did not respond with any of the Big Ten commands, or any of the 613 other Levitical laws; or the other thousands of laws the Pharisees had added to protect the Mosaic Law. Instead, He famously responded by quoting Deut 6:5. "Love God. Love others!" But with all the impetuous proliferation of examples of what this vital word love is, it befits us to narrow down exactly what Jesus meant. “Today we love tacos and ice cream, we make love, and we are to love our enemies and above all “love God?” Tim Whitehead sifts through the many misleading modern meanings of love with their emotions, infatuations, and attractions and settles us down on what true biblical love really looks like.

The US Constitution in Haitian Creole
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States and considered by many as a sacred document. It superseded the Articles of Confederation, the nation's first constitution, on March 4, 1789. This translation into Haitian Creole was created because of the popular demand from American Haitian immigrants who wanted to read the document in their own language. This work includes The Bill of Rights and Amendments (11-27) and The Declaration of Independence. It is the work of a group of people who took meticulous care and time to ensure the accuracy of the translation.
Coming this Spring

Lucy’s Adoption Song
"Following the success of her first children’s book, by author Sandee Macgregor, "Can I Take it to Heaven” this new story of Lucy is based on the true story of a family that adopted internationally. Journey with Lucy and her parents as they cross the ocean to meet their new family members, Grace and John. Through many months of planning, preparation and prayer, they make it to their new home.
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Feature Author
Meet Matt Robbins, the author of All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, a fiction thriller and shocking revelation about unchecked greed, power and the corruption it brings. A timely story of political intrigue and how the world can be brought to the brink of the unimaginable because of the clandestine actions of a few.
Feature Book
All Enemies Foreign and Domestic- Injured and on the edge of starvation, a retired Special Forces soldier, falsely accused of murder, must use all his knowledge and military training skill to survive winter in the harsh Montana wilderness as he is relentlessly pursued by an unknown enemy desperate to destroy him. A shocking revelation about unchecked greed, power and corruption in high official agencies versus the resilience of the human spirit renewed by faith in God, Family and Country. ...$20.95 & E-Book $9.95 -312 pages

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Live Your Assignment: Being Christ's Ambassador in 7 Spheres of Life- was the Winner of the 2024 Word Guild best book award in the CHRISTIAN NON-FICTION- BIBLE STUDIES category.
New Bible Studies for Winter 2024
We have a great selection of Bible Study options for small groups or individual study.
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Books that will inspire and give you a spiritual lift in troubling times!!
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See Our full list of past winners.Give us your feedback please!

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