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Lucy’s Adoption Song
"Following the success of her first children’s book, by author Sandee Macgregor, "Can I Take it to Heaven” this new story of Lucy is based on the true story of a family that adopted internationally. Journey with Lucy and her parents as they cross the ocean to meet their new family members, Grace and John. Through many months of planning, preparation and prayer, they make it to their new home.

Is that True? Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception
Respected writer and author Chuck Stephens undertakes his dream of going back to the future, to the good old days of clear divisions between right and wrong. Warning that the mix of subjective, objective and revealed truth is changing the meaning of truth so much that even our ethical plumb line is wobbling. The book is packed with quality talking points and a unique format spotlighting 24 specific areas that are suffering a truth malaise?

From the Hero Archives
A dangerous secret society has taken control of the people in Reid’s hometown of Baker City. So, he risks everything to escape. What he discovers outside his town makes him vow never to return., but there’s one big problem. His best friend is sick and his only hope to help him is to get him out of Baker City too. The story provides a mix of exciting adventure and elements of a mystery for grades 5 to 8

Depression: Successfully Battling Emotional Problems and Depression
According to WebMD, persistent feelings of
sadness and hopelessness among high schoolers rose 49 percent from 2011 to 2021. Bill suggests, the impact of negative Spiritual forces is now being recognized as a key factor in depression and only a spiritual solution can impact our minds/hearts/souls in such a way as to give us relief.” He uses personal experience and key Scriptures on how to handle these issues.

Finding Courage- A Four-Week Devotional Journey tle
This devotional is designed to help you find
more courage whether you are navigating the regular every day, a crucible moment, a deep valley, a desert season or a mountaintop. It’s written in a daily devotional format.

Through the Eyes of Jesus: Coming to Appreciate Jesus More Fully
Bill wants his readers to be presented with a fresh and different perspective, on Jesus final days. What if we could go back in time and unseen, walk behind Jesus and His disciples, watching every move, listening to every word and every response to them as they made Bible history. Very current insights to Jesus’ life

Reconnect: Spiritual Exercises to Develop Intimacy with God --Chinese Translation
Translation of the top selling Bible Study on
how to reconnect to Jesus when your journey gets stale or disconnected.
"top 10" for February 2025
Sales are compiled from US, Canadian & International sales through bookstores, on-line sales, Trade sales and Web site sales
(previous month ranking in brackets)
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Feature books, authors and our specials of the month
Feature Author
Meet Matt Robbins, the author of All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, a fiction thriller and shocking revelation about unchecked greed, power and the corruption it brings. A timely story of political intrigue and how the world can be brought to the brink of the unimaginable because of the clandestine actions of a few.
Feature Book
All Enemies Foreign and Domestic- Injured and on the edge of starvation, a retired Special Forces soldier, falsely accused of murder, must use all his knowledge and military training skill to survive winter in the harsh Montana wilderness as he is relentlessly pursued by an unknown enemy desperate to destroy him. A shocking revelation about unchecked greed, power and corruption in high official agencies versus the resilience of the human spirit renewed by faith in God, Family and Country. ...$20.95 & E-Book $9.95 -312 pages

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Live Your Assignment: Being Christ's Ambassador in 7 Spheres of Life- was the Winner of the 2024 Word Guild best book award in the CHRISTIAN NON-FICTION- BIBLE STUDIES category.
New Bible Studies for Winter 2024
We have a great selection of Bible Study options for small groups or individual study.
Need a Lift?
Books that will inspire and give you a spiritual lift in troubling times!!
NEW! celebrating Our 2024 Word Guild Publishing Awards
See Our full list of past winners.Give us your feedback please!

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